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完全用 Moog Sub 37 模拟合成器预置音色制作的音乐

musiXboy 发布于 2014-08-24 ·


This composition inspired by the Galilean moons of Jupiter demonstrates a range of delicate and vintage sounds within the SUB 37 Bob Moog Tribute Edition. With the exception of processed banjo and glockenspiel, all of the sounds have been created using a Sub 37.

Moog官方发布了一段新的视频,音乐灵感来自于Galilean moons of Jupiter,演示了Sub 37的声音,其中使用的所有声音都来自于Sub 37的预置音色(除了班卓琴和钟琴是实录以外),而且每个音色都写出来了预置库号、音色号、音色名,如果你也买了Sub 37可以试试看。


文章出处 http://www.moogmusic.com/

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